Monday, February 8, 2010


 'When live is applied, life is supplied by God' - Yogi Bhajan

Middel of January I read the 2010 Numerology Forecast by Nam Hari Kaur Kalsa in the 3HO Newsletter. She stated that this calendar year shifts the psyche of humanity into a proactive rhythm of accomplishment and regeneration. Her words translated precisely the state I have felt myself transformed in since the beginning of this year. 'There is a sense of emotional urgency to the flow of this year' she says. I agree; this is our moment to direct and shoot. No more waiting and cleaning up but 'go for it' is the spirit.
Eckard Tolle tells us that there are three states of enlightened doing: surrender, joy and enthusiam. Enthusiasm is a high flow of energy. For me it feels like energetic authority. The high pitch of it makes a natural gathering of forces possible to expand the substance the forces are focused on. The number three ( 2+0+1+0=3 ) carries the capacity for positive action and the efforts to be a hero and this is our moment to be heroic. It doesn't matter if you use this essence of 3 inside yourself or in a group. It matters that you direct all energies towards one point and acting upon this choice. This is the perfect year to do so.  We have to 'gather the troops' and succeed in convincing, directing and initiating the inner or/and outer force to focus and march in one direction.
Nam Hari Kaur Kalsa suggests: '11 minutes a day of Sat Kriya will sustain you like nothing else. When you are on track, there is a greater ability to read the field and manoeuvre accordingly, through your own sensory system.'  This is a valuable advise I directly followed up on and would like to hand over to you. Next to sustaining our energy it helps in understanding and becoming a conscious part of this planetary proactive rhythm. The action of gathering and directing is applied in a daily rhythm. In addition to that and all the other benefits the Sat Kriya delivers it helps opening up towards enthousiasm ;-)
Sat Nam!

Sat Kriya
Sit on your heels and klasp the hands above the head, with fingers interlaced except for the index fingers straight up (like in the picture above). Men cross right thumb over left; women cross left thumb over right.
The arms are straight hugging the ears (widen the shoulder blades and roll the armpits towards each other).
Close your eyes and focus on your third eye point.
Squeeze the Navel Point in and up as you say 'Sat (sut)'.
Release the Navel Point while chanting 'Nam'.
The breathing will naturally happening inbetween.
Find a suitable rhythm and go on for 11 minutes.
Sat Nam means True Identity.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. I started doing Sat Kriya on 27 May 2010. A friend and I are committing to 1,000 days.
    Sat nam.
