Saturday, May 29, 2010


Moon 1: Magnetic          Unify purpose                    Attract
Moon 2: Lunar                Polarize challenge            Stabilize
Moon 3: Electric             Active service                    Bond
Moon 4: Self-existing     Define form                        Measure
Moon 5: Overtone          Empower radiance            Command
Moon 6: Rhythmic          Organize equality              Balance
Moon 7: Resonant          Channel attunement         Inspire
Moon 8: Galactic            Harmonize integrity           Model
Moon 9: Solar                 Pulse intention                  Realize
Moon 10: Planetary        Perfect manifestation        Produce
Moon 11: Spectral          Dissolve liberation             Release
Moon 12: Crystal            Dedicate cooperation        Universalize
Moon 13: Cosmic           Endure presence               Transcend

    Here are the full names and Gregorian dates of the 13 Moons:

      1. Magnetic Bat Moon (July 26-August 22)
      2. Lunar Scorpion Moon (August 23-September 19)
      3. Electric Deer Moon (September 20-October 17)
      4. Self-existing Owl Moon (October 18-November 14)
      5. Overtone Peacock Moon (November 15-December 12)
      6. Rhythmic Lizard Moon (December 13-January 9)
      7. Resonant Monkey Moon (January 10-February 6)
      8. Galactic Hawk Moon (February 7-March 6)
      9. Solar Jaguar Moon (March 7-April 3)
    10. Planetary Dog Moon (April 4-May 1)
    11. Spectral Serpent Moon (May 2-May 29)
    12. Crystal Rabbit Moon (May 30-June 26)
    13. Cosmic Turtle Moon (June 27-July 24)
          Day Out of Time (July 25)

    Sunday, May 23, 2010


    We are now till 29th of may in the eleventh moon phase. 28 days to use for letting go and dissolve old habit patterns and structures hindering us in our freedom to grow towards whatever we deeply wish for. The intention for this phase is: Release, Liberate, Dissolve!
    What do you wish to release?
    Sometimes it is hard to pinpoint the itchy sting inside of us..... but still it's worth while trying!

    Regarding myself I feel a great need to let go of some old resistance patterns buried deep inside myself hindering my wish for growth in my job.
    In the last three years I created with all my knowledge an indeed beautiful working life. I have a great job I love because it fulfils me on all my levels of being.
    I started out studying art and workt as painter ( the painting on the article about the significance of the moon calendar is one example of my work ). I did OK, had quite some chances, expositions and scholarships. After 10 years it didn't satisfied me anymore. Though I did successfully the job of my dreams I felt a lot of resistance I could cope with any longer. So I made a career change choosing yoga as my new technique.
    In both lines of work my whish for living and sharing ultimate creative freedom and adventure is the deepest yearning / motivation. So the intention stayed the same only the technique changed...
    I am now at a point in my career as a yoga teacher where I have build a harmonious fundament on the inner and outer level. I created a nurturing daily routine with a good income, a whole lot of freedom and obligations I freely and totally agree with. All of my commitments are chosen, deeply satisfying and in balance regarding the reward of my investment of time and energy.
    But crazy enough there is still a little voice in me whispering: I don't want to. The resisting part!
    So speaking of old habit patterns.... this is for sure one!
    Reading this perhaps helps to give you an idea of your own entrapped energy.
    This deep 'shadow personalities' we create in the first seven years of our life because of resentment. There is always something (till we are all enlightened!) our parents or other authorities like to change in the nature of the child. In order to function and be assured of love and care we have no other option than burying alive the part of ourselves which is not wanted and create a 'strategy-me' for serving our needs for love and care.
    The problem is that by the time we are in no more need of the strategy-me we have totally forgotten about the 'deal' we made. The strategy-me is by than such a deep old habit we unconsciously adopted it as our own genuine behavior and we don't have a clue about the cast away treasure of natural energy!
    Only the itchy saboteur in our head and actions, who persistently works against our efforts and good intentions reminds us of a conflict, a warzone, somewhere inside of us.
    This saboteur is the buried energy that needs to be reinforced by conscious acknowlegdement and healing.

    Suggestion for healing:
    The first step towards healing is a step towards our inner child. We need to level our communication to where ever we can reach this part of our psyche. You could meditate in a  position or place you liked as a child for example. After finding the right communication we have to listen and open up to the pain of this cast away personality of ourselves. Now we have to make sure that both parts of our psyche understand that the strategy-me is no longer needed by making a 'magical' choise. A ritual is the way to connect all the
    parts of yourself in the now and create an action towards a new beginning in a style all parts can comprehend. Through the ritual you can let go of the strategy-me without making it a pure mental decision which inner child won't grasp.
    Further I would like to advise you doing a ritual to rebirth the genuine 'buried alive' me.

    Last but not least please use some playfulness so your inner child gets a treat and the decision you made becomes a happy, easy one!

    Peace and love,

    Monday, May 17, 2010


    Wednesday, May 5, 2010

    In this podcast José Argüelles talkes about 2012 and the best way to bring up your frequency by using the moon calendar!

    Saturday, May 1, 2010


    Two years ago I started synchronising my life with the calendar. The benefits where direct doe to the peace of mind it gave me.
    Being an Aries with Mars conjunct Sun in my first house I'm blessed with quite a degree of natural ambition. I tried bannishing it out of my personality with the consequence of building up frustration and anger.
    By now I know that ambition is just the force behind growth and expansion. Every piece of nature has an intent and a degree of force to fuel the intent becomming materialized. Therefor it's important to connect the force behind growth with the natural intent instead of (like me before...) surpressing it, feeling guilty about it and wasting the fuel. ( If you don't know what your natural intention is and you would like to know more about it you can contact me for information on individual sessions looking into this matter.)
    But even if you are not exactly sure about your goal the moon calendar can help you greatly  finding it.
    I discovered by connecting myself with the calendar a lot of inner doubt and stress vanished. It's like giving space to the ambition so my inner nature can strive towards the most prosperous outcome.
    Before working with this system my hastiness, doe to the lack of trust, was many times my downfall. I acted like I wanted to grow fruit in the spring without first growing flowers for pollination. Of course there was no other possibiliy than losing energy and a truly fulfilling result...
    This changed quite dramaticly by synchronizing my actions wit the given intent of the moon calendar. Moments of doubt and high stess changed into moments of focus and relaxation. I know what to do and can enjoy the different stages of creation understanding that every one of the thirteen intentions has it's momentum and beauty. Above this I have been blessed wit an outcome that restored my trust in myself and the Universe as the provider of abundance on all levels.