When I was seventeen I hitchhiked with a friend to Italy. We both where totally into art and I wanted to pursue a career as a painter / sculpture after finishing school. On that holiday I got deeply touched by the artistic fruits of medieval times. The style and the colors they used really gave me the long time goozebumps. I internally connect with a place of innocence looking at the fresco's and pictures. Something opens up inside my heart.
What I see and feel can be best described as an absence of drama. It just is what it is. It doesn't matter if the visualized themes are cruel or peaceful (some of the artists where masters in creating really horrible visions about hell and the last judgement...) there just is that quality of innocence through the absence of doubt and an upright trust.
Last month, in Italy, this love for medieval art got renewed and uplifted to new highs! Gosh, how beautiful are the fresco's and paintings of Giotto and my favorite:
I visited all the beautiful conserved places filled with treasures of art together with all the other tourists...; like herds of water buffalo's passing in big streams the Italian earth in need to feed our soul and nourish our heart dream.
There are two kinds of forces in this world: water and air. Air supplies consciousness and water supplies action. Air moves with it's wind spirit through our system for inspiration and communication with the whole. Water carries our heart desires, our soul wishes, towards the outcome.
The second chakra is connected to the element water and the residence/home of the self. From this place we understand that we have boundaries. The element water is also related to the soul link and from here we also long to belong to something bigger than ourselves. Like the remembrance of the ocean from where we emerges as a singel wave every morning waking up and merges back in our sleep. When our self is not sufficiently connected to the Nam (the truth that we all come from one) it tends to highjack the our second chakra 'power plant' and uses the energy to water all the eternal desires of the senses...., autsch! Jap, we all know how it goes. Instead of giving all our power for action to our heart desires we lose ourselves in whatever is attractive and occupies our thinking.
'Temptation' by Duccio
The second chakra is the place where duality emerges. With the water comes the supply of energy to reach the solution '2 be ONE': the shift from duality towards paradox. Living in paradox is allowing ourselves to be one by the virtue of respect. The second chakra embodies the sacred truth 'Honor One Another'.
Physical science recognizes second chakra energy as the law of cause and effect (for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction) and the law of magnetism (oppositely charged objects attract). Choice is born out of opposites and the power of action challenges us to make choises. Managing the power of choices with all the creative and spiritual implications is essential to our experience. Choice is the process of creation!
The magic we need to make the process of choice work for us is division. But first we have to stop relating through difference. By respecting our needs and boundaries we can come to a deeper understanding about ourselves and the other. It cuts us lose from making choices through splitting the world into divided bits. Communion by understanding that the other is in essence, like us, a spiritual messenger. When there is no difference in essence but just a difference in expression than there is no duality. We stop dividing with our senses to reunite with all! Now we are ready to use the paradoxical magic of division by using the wisdom of discernment. Using the negative wisdom that says "I'm not this, I am not that" is the know-how we need. We reinforce ourselves by acknowledging what we are not. It's about negating inappropriate methodes, actions and beliefs but not the essence of who we really are. Saying NO reveals our integrity and inhances respect. We eliminate to illuminate!

Last month I decided with the first moon intentionto to give in this 13 moon cycle more time to my creative activities. I got inspired, I saw the possibilities for new experiences and made this choice for expansion. Perhaps you experienced somewhat the same with any of your new goals.
Now we reached the second lunar intention of the challenge. Our oneness with the rhythm of nature lies in the action to polarize in order to stabilize (we all know the benefit of having two legs in terms of stability and mobility). We need this stretch of energie to feed our soul desires and to start the active process of creation (like walking). But we have to stay alert and watch out that our feet walking towards the right goal! At least in my experience this is a tricky time. Longings and desires plopping up in my system and doing their best to block my primary vision and fill my head with daydreaming and the stuff drama is made of. It's definitely the water which likes to run through the used riverbeds I unconsciously created in the past. If you recognize this in your own behavior please join me in the effort to reinforce our waterpower by using the 'know-how' of the NO! We have to honor our heart desires, let go of dividing the world with our sense perceptions into pieces and prevent the water from running through the carves we cut in ourselves for compensating our complexes. The same complexes we created by making choices on the outer differences, perceived through our senses.
Lets go for the real thing. Let's engage in a daily self-detoxification. let's eliminate to illuminate!