Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gray periods

Yogi Bhajan has described a period of brain disorientation that has occured in times of great transition. It occured for example before the rise of Chinese civilization and before the Atlantis periods of our planet. It is connected to the shift of the eath axis and the changes of the magnetic field. Many people become depressed. It's a challange to let your brein function wel and keep good judgement and a healthy sense of self. It's a natural phenomenon which belongs to the discribed shifts of the earth. 
The meditation you find underneath is a legacy from whise people who lived and experimented in those times. This meditation is a way they found to counter the depression and disconnectedness that hit civilisation.

The brain has a rhythm. The two hemispheres alternate which one is dominant at any one time. You can feel which of the hemispheres is dominant by sensing which nostril is more active. The left nostril is connected to the right part and the right one to the left part of our brain. When the nostrils equalize before theshift we reach an important point of synchronization. Normally these shifts occure throughout the day. But if a deep fear is activated by one side we can get out of rhythm. This gives us a feeling of disconnection or being driven by emotion. This meditation is like a wake-up call allerting the mind before it loses its ability to function in an emotional 'limbic' loop.
The hand and eye position need to be exact and steady through the 11 min.

Sat Nam, Anne

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Taurus New Moon: Creative Ideas for practical success

Taurus New Moon occured on May 3
Taurus archetype offers a path of growing through achieving tangible results.  Hence it is frequently associated with the creation of material wealth in all forms, including money, possessions and fine arts.

In the New Moon chart, we see that the New Moon conjunction in Taurus forms an exact quintile (72 degrees) aspect from Neptune in Pisces, suggesting a birth of new intention (New Moon) toward peace and financial stability (Taurus) through creativity and inspiration (quintile, Neptune in Pisces.)

The New Moon conjunction trines Pluto in Capricorn, which also suggests an opportunity for solid material empowerment.

A List of Several Possibilities for This New Moon
1) If there is a lot of interpersonal tension in your work or home life, there may be a way to channel the energy into a new, more inspiring direction through the use of creative visualization (i.e. sharing of ideal vision for the future, working on creative projects, introducing aesthetic elements in work or home life.)

2) In your work or business, there could be a lot of built-up energy that is waiting to be channeled creatively, leading to productive initiative and increased sales.

3) You could simply come up with creative ways to make extra money.

4) Because Neptune in Pisces is involved, we could also think in terms of increased compassion toward others somehow releasing the built up tension in relationships.

If you're an entrepreneur, writer, artist, etc, this New Moon seems to offer a good opportunity for coming up with creative ideas and putting them into action.  For me I'm working on a few projects right now, and feel inspiration bubbling up from my subconscious.  How about you?  Do you have any creative projects you're about to begin in your work or at home?

Love, Anne

Monday, February 28, 2011


Being in the Moment....
Letting go of what ever (excessive) need to control is the buzz for now. The meditation from yesterday (you find post 27-2-11) is a perfect combiation for stimulating our intuitive capacities while letting go of the 'anal retentive' person in us ;-)
To make proper use of the astrological energies and the next moon wave (starting 07-03) we are now asked to pay more attention to what our body and our feelings are trying to tell us. Worrying about the future or brooding about past events should be minimized. Our intentions should be as clear as possible! You may be wondering "What can I do to create that state?"  Here are some enjoyable ways I use to keep me on track. I hope they are of any help for you:

  • Practicing spontaneous creative activities that forces to feel rather than think.  Dancing, playing improvised music, writing poetry or just a stream of consciousness journaling that starts with "I feel~."  Whatever you do, don't overthink the process - you're trying to access a different part of your brain separated from your conscious mind.
  • Stop trying to figure everything out.  That's our ego trying to control the results.  Even though it's a necessary quality to have, excessive reasoning tends to create worry and not much else.
  • Using deliberately the 5 senses: How does the air feel?  The lighting?  What do I smell in the air?  What do I hear?  When we are fully immersed in your senses, we are in the moment.  Usually we only stay in the moment for a few seconds at a time before we start analyzing, judging, weighing and figuring things out..... So this is a good momentum for us to practice having longer moments where we are fully present.
  • Meditating always does the job!

Lots of wellness and focus,

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sage Grouse

I haven't written for a long time about yoga in connection with the 13 moon calendar. But I lived the moon calendar intensely.
The two things I consciously decided to co create in this cycle where a much bigger prominent place of art in my life and the creation of a yoga vacation I would like to offer to others. This cycle started in July 26 with mountains of emotions celebrating art and life in Italy. The month in Tuscany filled my heard with deep appreciation for Italy and the artistic doings of all the masters of their times and the beauty and insight they give to humanity. Back in Amsterdam I intuitively started to create both goals supported by a daily practice of Kundalini Yoga.
Regarding the art I created a new website: http://www.soulcharacterdesign.nl
With the assignments and my own little projects in between I spent about 1 to 3 days working on art design's. It gives me a deep satisfaction and a more balanced inner position.
The vacation is given form and the place I chose is Italy, haha! Coming September it will happen. If you are curious you can take a look at: http://www.lifestylestudio.nl/yogavakantie

But enough about me. Underneath you find a description of a meditation I would like to recomend to you for the coming month. It is exceptional potent and suitable for the comming wave.

Sat nam,

Saturday, October 16, 2010


The physical body is a temple. Take care of it. The mind is energy. Regulate it. The soul is the projection. Represent it. All knowledge is false if the soul is not experienced in the body.
(Yogi Bhajan)

Friday, September 3, 2010


When I was seventeen I hitchhiked with a friend to Italy. We both where totally into art and I wanted to pursue a career as a painter / sculpture after finishing school. On that holiday I got deeply touched by the artistic fruits of medieval times. The style and the colors they used really gave me the long time goozebumps. I internally connect with a place of innocence looking at the fresco's and pictures. Something opens up inside my heart.
What I see and feel can be best described as an absence of drama. It just is what it is. It doesn't matter if the visualized themes are cruel or peaceful (some of the artists where masters in creating really horrible visions about hell and the last judgement...) there just is that quality of innocence through the absence of doubt and an upright trust.
Last month, in Italy, this love for medieval art got renewed and uplifted to new highs! Gosh, how beautiful are the fresco's and paintings of Giotto and my favorite:
I visited all the beautiful conserved places filled with treasures of art together with all the other tourists...; like herds of water buffalo's passing in big streams the Italian earth in need to feed our soul and nourish our heart dream. 

There are two kinds of forces in this world: water and air. Air supplies consciousness and water supplies action. Air moves with it's wind spirit through our system for inspiration and communication with the whole. Water carries our heart desires, our soul wishes, towards the outcome. 
The second chakra is connected to the element water and the residence/home of the self. From this place we understand that we have boundaries. The element water is also related to the soul link and from here we also long to belong to something bigger than ourselves. Like the remembrance of the ocean from where we emerges as a singel wave every morning waking up and merges back in our sleep. When our self is not sufficiently connected to the Nam (the truth that we all come from one) it tends to highjack the our second chakra 'power plant' and uses the energy to water all the eternal desires of the senses...., autsch! Jap, we all know how it goes. Instead of giving all our power for action to our heart desires we lose ourselves in whatever is attractive and occupies our thinking.
'Temptation' by Duccio 
The second chakra is the place where duality emerges. With the water comes the supply of energy to reach the solution '2 be ONE': the shift from duality towards paradox. Living in paradox is allowing ourselves to be one by the virtue of respect. The second chakra embodies the sacred truth 'Honor One Another'.
Physical science recognizes second chakra energy as the law of cause and effect (for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction) and the law of magnetism (oppositely charged objects attract). Choice is born out of opposites and the power of action challenges us to make choises. Managing the power of choices with all the creative and spiritual implications is essential to our experience. Choice is the process of creation!
The magic we need to make the process of choice work for us is division. But first we have to stop relating through difference. By respecting our needs and boundaries we can come to a deeper understanding about ourselves and the other. It cuts us lose from making choices through splitting the world into divided bits. Communion by understanding that the other is in essence, like us, a spiritual messenger. When there is no difference in essence but just a difference in expression than there is no duality. We stop dividing with our senses to reunite with all! Now we are ready to use the paradoxical magic of division by using the wisdom of discernment. Using the negative wisdom that says "I'm not this, I am not that" is the know-how we need. We reinforce ourselves by acknowledging what we are not. It's about negating inappropriate methodes, actions and beliefs but not the essence of who we really are. Saying NO reveals our integrity and inhances respect. We eliminate to illuminate!
Last month I decided with the first moon intentionto to give in this 13 moon cycle more time to my creative activities. I got inspired, I saw the possibilities for new experiences and made this choice for expansion. Perhaps you experienced somewhat the same with any of your new goals.
Now we reached the second lunar intention of the challenge. Our oneness with the rhythm of nature lies in the action to polarize in order to stabilize (we all know the benefit of having two legs in terms of stability and mobility). We need this stretch of energie to feed our soul desires and to start the active process of creation (like walking). But we have to stay alert and watch out that our feet walking towards the right goal! At least in my experience this is a tricky time. Longings and desires plopping up in my system and doing their best to block my primary vision and fill my head with daydreaming and the stuff drama is made of. It's definitely the water which likes to run through the used riverbeds I unconsciously created in the past. If you recognize this in your own behavior please join me in the effort to reinforce our waterpower by using the 'know-how' of the NO! We have to honor our heart desires, let go of dividing the world with our sense perceptions into pieces and prevent the water from running through the carves we cut in ourselves for compensating our complexes. The same complexes we created by making choices on the outer differences, perceived through our senses. 
Lets go for the real thing. Let's engage in a daily self-detoxification. let's eliminate to illuminate!

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Over four hours I will step into a plain transporting me and my sweetheart to the Tuscany, yippiehyahey! 4 weeks of beautiful nature, art and good food... The perfect time and space to get tuned into the first moon intention: What are my goals for this new cycle? What do I want to attract? This is the moment to open ourselves to the power of attraction. No thinking or effort is needed first of all. We just have to led it come towards us by consciously synchronizing our intention with the intention of the cosmos.
So, I wish you all a great summer with beautifull revelations!

Love, Anne

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Every person is a God in embryo. Its only desire is to be born." -Deepak Chopra
I just read this sentence and it touched me. It remembered me of an sketch I made for a wallpainting  some years ago....

Monday, July 26, 2010


Today is the start of a brand new cycle! And it's starting with a blast of energy: We have a Full Moon in Aquarius and we have a Cardinal T-square!
The full Moon was for us Europeaan people arround 3:37 at 2 degrees Aquarius. The Aquarian full Moon is less intense than others mainly because it implies a certain amount of emotional detachment. The Sabian symbol (a beautiful, poetic manor to help us understand the intention of the degrees on the sodiac) is "A deserter from the navy".  It represents a breaking away from 'normal'. During this Moon phase we could receive insights into how we could break free from society where it's needed to uplift our own integrity.. But in the proces of getting free from restrictions we also have to deal with the consequences and this is not always a pleasant experience... Still we have a chance to feel where our integrity is true ore questionable and see wat's need to be done eventually. This Moon would like to show us where we could stand if we have the guts bear the consequences.
The Cardinal T-square involving Uranus/Saturn/Pluto. This Cardinal T-Square has the potential to stir up, shake up, birth, break up and break down all types of Relationships (personal and business). Since Saturn (mastery) is just arrived in the sign of Libra (relationships) and connect now to both Uranus (awakener) and Pluto (transformation) – Relationships, Love, Intimacy are our relevant topics.
If the foundation of any given relationship is not in integrity or solid, it will be most likely up in our faces so we can choose either to transform and grow (repair and adjust) or let go and move on. This will be a no-nonsense energy driving us to take action and stop stalling. It can also be very exciting! Out of the blue situations may manifest and bringing adventure and exhilaration to our lifes.  I assume we will be all challenged to grow and mature as well as trust in the bigger picture and evolve in our relationships. My suggestion is to maximize the potential of this energie by putting it into what gives equal consideration and respect. In this we honor the entire relationship -all parties are honored and then all thrive. We have to remember: now is the time to shift from competition into cooperation.

A quick first look at the start of this new 13 Moon Cycle.
This cycle starts with a galactic activation portal. There are 52 portal (Gap) days in the sacred 260 day Mayan calendar called Tzolk'in. The magnified energy of a portal day is generated by an integration of two cycles merging to create an accelerated frequency. These two cycles are the Pleiadian cycle, the "Tzolk'in," and a reflection of moon cycles the Mayas call "Tun Uc" reflected in mathematics of 28. The pattern revealed by the 52 Gap days resembles our DNA and the actual pattern the moon makes across our sky in 28 - 29 1/4 days. This is a space or time we reach out for new information and frequencies.

The cycle starts with ' Red Moon'. This kin (galactic signature) is about universal water and purification. This is the basic theme of the whole cycle.
In the yoga we say there are two powers: consciousness which is connected to the element air and energy which is connected to the element water. So this year we are even more bound to purify our stream of energy in and outside ourselfes. Water governs / carries our lifeforce, libido, health, prosperity, chi and power. That's a bunch of important words, wow!

First things I have to see to (and perhaps you too) is getting a filtersysteem for the kitchen water. This is a thing I wanted to buy for a long time already. So, no more excuses!
Second on my list is buying a nice waterbottle and writing an affirmation on it. I'm curious about 'Unconditional Love'. Would be wonderfull to grow more prosperous in this virtue :-)

Love, Anne

Monday, June 21, 2010


June 26 I will give a Workshop at the Yoga Festival Terschelling. It will be an opportunity to experience the energy of the yoga combined with the creative intention of the cosmos. Because we have that day a lunar eclipse the energy of the day will be extreme and exeptionally potent. Eclipses are supercharged New and Full Moons with influence of up to six months.
Eclipses often fall prey to the misconception that they are harbingers of terrible things, disappointments, destruction, ruin, and the like. It's all about perception, though. Eclipses, in astrology, are accelerators. They speed up events, issues, situations in our personal lives and demand for them to be dealt with. The degree of difficulty, then, becomes dependent on:
  1. the readiness of the individual to tackle these challenges
  2. his/her willingness to do the work required
  3. his/her commitment to the cause/s which is really the self and its growth. The degree and depth of influence an eclipse or set of eclipses have depends on individual birth charts.
That day is on top of it the end of the twelfth moonfase (dedication / cooperation). The perfect moment to let go of whatever holds us back in the souls whish for growth according this cosmic intention.
The theme of the workshop wil be GREAT-FULLness.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Yoga and Maya Astrology definitely changed my creative expression. I started to focus on finding ways to portret the tools of a soul. I believe that the soul makes a very deliberate entrance into this reality. By choosing the moment of birth the soul creates the perfect blend of the five elements (in yoga ether is the fifth element). This blend is the toolbox with all the perfect tools in it the soul needs to succeed in its endeavor.
With the soul character design I express in a playful way what I sense about this elementary toolbox. The fife elements are different qualities and each of us has a unique mixture of those. This personal blend is based in the energetic flow of our life force. Like the tools of a craftsman this personal blend gives character to all our actions.
I mainly use Maya Astrology and Akara Numerology which is connected to Kundalini Yoga. Together with a blend of shamanic wisdom guided by my intuition I create the 'power shield'.
Thick papyrus and oil paint sticks are a perfect combination of appealing matter with bright colors to give it a beautifull, natural appearence.
Wahey Guru!