Saturday, June 12, 2010


Yoga and Maya Astrology definitely changed my creative expression. I started to focus on finding ways to portret the tools of a soul. I believe that the soul makes a very deliberate entrance into this reality. By choosing the moment of birth the soul creates the perfect blend of the five elements (in yoga ether is the fifth element). This blend is the toolbox with all the perfect tools in it the soul needs to succeed in its endeavor.
With the soul character design I express in a playful way what I sense about this elementary toolbox. The fife elements are different qualities and each of us has a unique mixture of those. This personal blend is based in the energetic flow of our life force. Like the tools of a craftsman this personal blend gives character to all our actions.
I mainly use Maya Astrology and Akara Numerology which is connected to Kundalini Yoga. Together with a blend of shamanic wisdom guided by my intuition I create the 'power shield'.
Thick papyrus and oil paint sticks are a perfect combination of appealing matter with bright colors to give it a beautifull, natural appearence.
Wahey Guru!

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