Taurus New Moon occured on May 3
Taurus archetype offers a path of growing through achieving tangible results. Hence it is frequently associated with the creation of material wealth in all forms, including money, possessions and fine arts.
In the New Moon chart, we see that the New Moon conjunction in Taurus forms an exact quintile (72 degrees) aspect from Neptune in Pisces, suggesting a birth of new intention (New Moon) toward peace and financial stability (Taurus) through creativity and inspiration (quintile, Neptune in Pisces.)
The New Moon conjunction trines Pluto in Capricorn, which also suggests an opportunity for solid material empowerment.
A List of Several Possibilities for This New Moon
1) If there is a lot of interpersonal tension in your work or home life, there may be a way to channel the energy into a new, more inspiring direction through the use of creative visualization (i.e. sharing of ideal vision for the future, working on creative projects, introducing aesthetic elements in work or home life.)
2) In your work or business, there could be a lot of built-up energy that is waiting to be channeled creatively, leading to productive initiative and increased sales.
3) You could simply come up with creative ways to make extra money.
4) Because Neptune in Pisces is involved, we could also think in terms of increased compassion toward others somehow releasing the built up tension in relationships.
If you're an entrepreneur, writer, artist, etc, this New Moon seems to offer a good opportunity for coming up with creative ideas and putting them into action. For me I'm working on a few projects right now, and feel inspiration bubbling up from my subconscious. How about you? Do you have any creative projects you're about to begin in your work or at home?
Love, Anne
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