Saturday, January 9, 2010


15 feb 2009 I started with the Isht Sodhana Mantra, to manifest intention so that destiny can be fulfilled. My intention was to do this meditation for 1000 days. By now I love it so much that my intention shifted towards a lifelong commitment.
We are quickly approaching the transition to the Aquarian Age.
Much has been written about this. From the yogic point of view it is humanity’s transition from adolescence to maturity. We leave behind the Piscean Era and enter into the age of global awareness, radiance, intuition and cooperation. We believe an age of equanimity and prosperity wil arise accompanied by an evolution in our capacity to perceive, think, feel and sense. Such growth would mean a lot of change: old structures and ways of thinking, communicating and living, everything has to change.....
I have read that this period of testing and growth will last until 2038.
Yogi Bhajan, who brought Kundalini Yoga to the West in the sixties, gave us a great tool with this mind blowing technique to prepare and open up to the possibilities of the new Era. With the expanded awareness we can act effectively, support others and join spontaneous the creativity of life. By the way, precisely at 11:30am (PST), November 11, 2011 the cusp period will end and the Age of Aquarius will begin.
In Kundalini Yoga we practice 40‐day meditations to embody new experiences or increase capacities.
We practice 90‐day meditations to clear our subconscious and build new habits.
We practice 120‐day meditations to realize that awareness in our daily lives.
But when we want to experience self‐mastery and confirm our consciousness, beyond every change of
time, space and circumstance, we practice 1,000 days.

The Isht Sodhana Mantra is a meditation with the intention to embody your unique qualities of being a co-creator.
From the Mayan point of view we are now in the phase they call the galactic underworld. Integrity, living from the hart, is the most important trait to obtain in our awareness during this period.  A necessary step before the last and completing step, towards a new cicle: becoming a co-creator.
So if you are in for a little preparation towards this new consciousness pattern join in with this indeed 'monumental' mantra meditation!11 min. a day are aready enough to create the inner buzz.
You can order a CD with a beautiful version + great explanation by visiting the link below:
Cheers, Sat Nam and In lak'ech,


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