Monday, February 28, 2011


Being in the Moment....
Letting go of what ever (excessive) need to control is the buzz for now. The meditation from yesterday (you find post 27-2-11) is a perfect combiation for stimulating our intuitive capacities while letting go of the 'anal retentive' person in us ;-)
To make proper use of the astrological energies and the next moon wave (starting 07-03) we are now asked to pay more attention to what our body and our feelings are trying to tell us. Worrying about the future or brooding about past events should be minimized. Our intentions should be as clear as possible! You may be wondering "What can I do to create that state?"  Here are some enjoyable ways I use to keep me on track. I hope they are of any help for you:

  • Practicing spontaneous creative activities that forces to feel rather than think.  Dancing, playing improvised music, writing poetry or just a stream of consciousness journaling that starts with "I feel~."  Whatever you do, don't overthink the process - you're trying to access a different part of your brain separated from your conscious mind.
  • Stop trying to figure everything out.  That's our ego trying to control the results.  Even though it's a necessary quality to have, excessive reasoning tends to create worry and not much else.
  • Using deliberately the 5 senses: How does the air feel?  The lighting?  What do I smell in the air?  What do I hear?  When we are fully immersed in your senses, we are in the moment.  Usually we only stay in the moment for a few seconds at a time before we start analyzing, judging, weighing and figuring things out..... So this is a good momentum for us to practice having longer moments where we are fully present.
  • Meditating always does the job!

Lots of wellness and focus,

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sage Grouse

I haven't written for a long time about yoga in connection with the 13 moon calendar. But I lived the moon calendar intensely.
The two things I consciously decided to co create in this cycle where a much bigger prominent place of art in my life and the creation of a yoga vacation I would like to offer to others. This cycle started in July 26 with mountains of emotions celebrating art and life in Italy. The month in Tuscany filled my heard with deep appreciation for Italy and the artistic doings of all the masters of their times and the beauty and insight they give to humanity. Back in Amsterdam I intuitively started to create both goals supported by a daily practice of Kundalini Yoga.
Regarding the art I created a new website:
With the assignments and my own little projects in between I spent about 1 to 3 days working on art design's. It gives me a deep satisfaction and a more balanced inner position.
The vacation is given form and the place I chose is Italy, haha! Coming September it will happen. If you are curious you can take a look at:

But enough about me. Underneath you find a description of a meditation I would like to recomend to you for the coming month. It is exceptional potent and suitable for the comming wave.

Sat nam,